High School Students in Corbett, Oregon (there are about 300 of them this year) are in the process of taking 800 Advanced Placement exams during the first three weeks of May. They are taking exams in Calculus (ab) and (bc), Statistics, U.S. Government, U.S. History, World History, Human Geography, Spanish Language, Art History, Art, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English Language and Literature, Micro and Macro Economics, and Computer Science. Only 14 of these areas have full classes this year. Students are preparing for four of the exams (micro, macro, Art History and Computer Science) independently. We have had students pass all four independently in the past two years.
The AP participation rate in Corbett is about 98%. Last year, 60% of seniors passed one or more exams, and 40% were AP Scholars. We'll see what this year's seniors can do.
And that's the point, really. We'll see. We don't sprinkle TAG water on students and declare them to be of superior quality. We offer all students the opportunity to demonstrate their achievements, whether they be rooted in raw talent or just exceptional commitment. We let other people worry about the labels. We foster success.
In order for TAG kids to show their talents, perhaps the schools have to be talented and gifted as well.